Thursday, August 31, 2006

14,000 ft. x Three

This weekend I will be heading to Kite Campground at 12,000 ft (the highest campground in America) for two days.  Here I will be staying for a base camp to climb three 14,000 footers in a day.  The climbs shouldn't be too hard as long as the weather stays clear and it doesn't snow.  There is also Kite Lake at 12,000 ft, which I've heard holds some rainbows for the taking.  I'll post some pictures and my report of the climbs on Sunday after I get back. 

Before I head down to the campground I'm going to be fishing some 25+ miles of Gold Medal Trout Waters on the South Plate River in Cheeseman Canyon with Bob and Gwen, both good company. 

Goodluck to my boys playing in the Carolina Nike Classic this weekend, and for all those back in Happy Valley this weekend, have fun.

That's all from the mountains - Dave



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