Tuesday, August 8, 2006

Rocky Mountain High

I would have driven another 31 hours to get to a place so beautiful.  I love Colorado so far and feel Dsc_0409
like there are so many things to do so little time in the day.  I didn't work today, just moved into my new room (which I have to myself), but has no windows and the footsteps of people playing in the gym directly above my head...perfect for me!  I found time to head into Winter Park and Fraser the nearest towns to get my fishing liscence then head back to Snow Mountain Ranch to take some pictures.  WhileDsc_0389
taking pictures I found someone with the same idea from Illinois, Bob a semi-pro photographer landscapes and  wildlife. of We talked for a while, and as I walked back to the car realized this is the place for me.  Did I mention I saw two longboarders in Winter Park already?  The people out here are great and I can't wait to start work tomorrow and meet more of them.  Dsc_0383


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