Sunday, August 6, 2006

It's Hot!

Dsc_0225Been in St. Louis for a few days now, and it hasn't been below 94 degrees during the day since I got here.  This city is too hot.  I'll be moving on towards Colorado tomorrow morning through MO and KS, splitting the 13 hour drive into two days.  While here in St. Louis I took a step back in time to visit the Meramec Caves (Jesse James' hideout and Lassi movie set) which is a tourist trap right out of the  70's.  I didn't think the tour ofDsc_0301 these caves could get any better, until the grand finally where all my expectations were topped with the Govenor's Light.  Following the tour my brother and I went for some good sushi and down to the Live on the levi concert series at the St. Louis arch which was pretty good.  But I can't type anymore it's just too hot, 110 F outside as I type this. 


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