Friday, August 25, 2006

11,600+ ft fishing

Today I went fishing with Bob on James Peak which is located in the Indian Peaks National Forest. Dsc_0456_1 There were several lakes located above treeline which we fished with great success.  King Lake was the largest of the ones we fished today, and gave us our fill of wild cutthroat.  After bushwacking approximately 2 miles we found what we thought was going to be a dead lake.  To our amazement I mangaged to land a 16 inch cutthroat, probably the only fish in the small lake (one that I could cast across if I really tried). Dsc_0467_1 The hiking was beautiful, but as the end of the day neared the clouds were moving in and a storm was approaching.  On our way back to snow mountain ranch, we picked up some essentials for a bbq to cook the fish and ended the day the only appropriate way we knew, full and satisfied on another great colorado day.



At August 26, 2006 at 1:08 AM , Anonymous Leslie said...

i like your hat

At August 28, 2006 at 8:59 AM , Anonymous DPG said...

Bob caught that and handed it to you didnt he


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