Saturday, April 19, 2008

Who needs gasoline?

     Living in Winter Park has allowed Julie and I to almost live with out needing a car.  We both havDsc_5624_2e our
own bikes, one with a slightly more comfortable seat (see photo) and when raining or too cold there is public transportation every 15 minutes.  Since we moved into town we have discovered bike trails leading in both directions just feet from our door step.  Whether it be going to the grocery store, out for dinner, a ride to the beer store, bank deposits, a laundry day, visiting a local watering hole, getting to work, or meeting up with Fred Meyers, we can go there on two wheels.Dsc_6088

    Moving from the East Coast where bicycle trails are scarce and priority is usually given to louder faster transportation, it can still take a conscious effort to saddle the bikes.  But with a little bit of experience you prevent cold hands and heads by keeping a few extra articles of clothing
in your bag.  And to everyone back home with temperatures in the 80's and above, all is not bad weather here.  We may still have snow on the ground but here's a 6 day forcast I don't think I ever saw back in PA. 




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