Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Winter Park Skate Park


Took some photos at the skate park today.  You can check the out here.  CLICK HERE TO VIEW PHOTOS
I'll post some more when I get a few more minutes.  I reduced the
resolution to save space, if anyone wants a photo to print just let me
know I can send you the file.  Later.




Sunday, April 27, 2008

High Altitude Training

After living at over 9000 ft for the past two months, I became cocky with the thought that training for some long distance runs on the Continental Divide Trail (10+ miles) would be easy.  Well, it wasn't.  The lack of oxygen and 40 degree wind taking my breathe away was enough to give serious thought to stopping and walking.  In the end I made it home and past out promptly.  I've just started using mapmyrun.com which allows me to keep track of runs and keep a log.  Looks to be very handy for being Free.  FREE IS GOOD.


Friday, April 25, 2008



HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOOO myself.  Check out this sweet cake that Julie made for me.  She not only is the greatest girlfriend in the world, but the greatest baker too.  She also got me some unbelievable presents which included Donkey Kong A Fist Full of Quarters, A Ikes Skate Board, and UGG SLIPPERS.  She's the best!  Number one birthday so far and were are on our way out to dinner at Deno's and then out with some friends.

Also Bobby here got engaged and just went down to the court house to get their marriage liscence today, congrats old man!

Took a VR tour of Chris's townhouse today.  Came out ok, except for they kept moving watching a game of futbol on the televsion.  Check it out HERE (this basically means you Justin, since you're the one designing our site...i'll send you the files later).

Happy Birthday to Everyone out there!


Cooper Creek Planet


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Thursday, April 24, 2008

Cooper Creek Square



Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Fisheye Photos

Spent some time shooting with the fisheye.  Takes some getting used to, but there are some great creative possibilities.Fisheye  Many of the photos I used software correction to unwrap the full frame fisheye.  The main subject in these photos was shot in its entirety from only a few feet away.Dsc_6250

Monday, April 21, 2008

Vasquez Bike and Hike

Biked from town all the way to the top of Vasquez Road, and peddaled as far as I could until the snow pack got too deep.  From there I hiked a mile or so back along Vasquez Creek to the beginning of the summer time trail head.  I was able to follow the snow mobile tracks until this point with out needing snow shoes.  Once I decided to walk around a little I found myself post holing in very wet snow up to my waist.  I also found a great little camp site along the creek with great views of the pass ahead.  Can't wait until the summer time to have a camp site just 30 minutes by bike with good fishing and good views.  Until then I need to find some cheap snowshoes to hold me over.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Who needs gasoline?

     Living in Winter Park has allowed Julie and I to almost live with out needing a car.  We both havDsc_5624_2e our
own bikes, one with a slightly more comfortable seat (see photo) and when raining or too cold there is public transportation every 15 minutes.  Since we moved into town we have discovered bike trails leading in both directions just feet from our door step.  Whether it be going to the grocery store, out for dinner, a ride to the beer store, bank deposits, a laundry day, visiting a local watering hole, getting to work, or meeting up with Fred Meyers, we can go there on two wheels.Dsc_6088

    Moving from the East Coast where bicycle trails are scarce and priority is usually given to louder faster transportation, it can still take a conscious effort to saddle the bikes.  But with a little bit of experience you prevent cold hands and heads by keeping a few extra articles of clothing
in your bag.  And to everyone back home with temperatures in the 80's and above, all is not bad weather here.  We may still have snow on the ground but here's a 6 day forcast I don't think I ever saw back in PA. 




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Almost 24



Friday, April 18, 2008

Meet Fred Meyers


Julie and I met Mr. Meyers on our bike ride on the Fraser River Trail.

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Thursday, April 17, 2008

Berthoud Photography

    Here are a few photos I took this evening from Berthoud Pass.  A 5 minute drive above town gave me these views.  Parry is the mountain that looks like a giant bear took its claw to it.  Tomorrow I am hiking (since the mountain is now closed) up to the top of Panoramic Express, the highest 6 pack lift in North America at over 12,000 ft, and skiing down.  Some photos to come of that and the new gear we bought to decorate our apartment here at Hi Country.






Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Spring Break


Julie and I have been busy enjoying our time off since the end of the ski season on Sunday.  The temperatures out here hit 60 with a full day of sun on Monday and Tuesday.  We spent the past two days riding bikes, decorating our apartment, going to the library and just relaxing in general.  Here are some photos of mountain blue birds and a sunset of the surrounding mountains from our bike ride on Monday afternoon.  Our route took us from Winter Park to St. Louis Creek and back.Juliebiking5x7jpegDsc_5610

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Polar Bears in Colorado?

Fast_runner_7_2 The last week of the ski season is here , but that doesn't mean the end of the snow.  The past few days have been snow filled, unusual to be snowing this much in the season.   Like I said its the end of the season, and that means  a big tailgate on Sunday the last day , starting early in the morning  at the  mountain parking lots. 

Julie and I both had today off and finally took advantage of the  indoor  swimming pool and hottubs  a few feet from our  door step.   A hot tub is probably one of the  things that  our friend Bob is looking forward to.  He is the one who sent us these pictures from Alaska on his Polar  Bear Research Expedition.Fast_runner_1

Since I usually mention food on here, I'll take the time to mention that Julie has been cooking up a storm in the kitchen with many good dinners, including manicotti, cookies, and much more.  But don't think that I'm not trying, I cooked some frozen stirfry for us, took us out for sushi last night, and will be cooking up some good turkey dogs and waffle fries tonight for the two of us!

Finally here's a link to a virtual tour of our apartment.  Not seen in the tour is our cozy bedroom and a great sized bathroom. 


Also don't forget, anyone who wants to visit is more than welcome.
Emily Miller and Mike Bailey are our next guests June 12-18.  So don't plan it then.  Our visit with Jeff Chambers was great, he learned to ski and caught  fish in the Colorado River all in a week.  He will most likely be our next trasplant to Colorado!

Oh and check out www.grandcountytours.com/nownthen it was my first client for the company I have started Grand County Tours.