Thursday, July 19, 2007

Hitting the Road

Ct13Had to bail on my attempt on the Colorado Trail with achilles heal problems.  Click below to see some photos from t
he 170 miles I did do in only 7 days.  I was on pace for finishing the trail in 18 days.  You can check out some of
the  photos here COLORADO TRAIL PHOTOS.Ct14

Tomorrow I head down to Wyomissing to pick up Julie and do some last minute packing for our little road trip.  By little I mean 8,000 miles from the Atlantic to the Pacific and back hitting all the fun spots along the way.  Taking my fly rod, camera and laptop  so I'll be posting from wifi spots as I go.

Our ride is a Dodge Ram 2500 15 passenger van with the seats


cleared out for a single bed and all the fixings.  I'll take some pictures of that as well since I'm sure you're all jealous of our

luxorious sleeping arrangements.

Either way I can't wait to be on the road with my favorite girl, seeing some of the most beautiful places in America.  Oh, and look out, I may be getting a dog when I return.

[The flower photos above I edited to give them a painted effect.]

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