It's called "hashing" and it began in the UK in 1938 by a few friends looking for some physical activity to help get rid of their weekend hangovers, while including some beer drinking fun and running. I participated in my first hash yesterday as a "new boot" with the Nittany Valley Hash House Harriers the local kennel here in State College.
The run is a spectacle in itself with 20 some people running through the woods, over streams, and hiking up mountains. You follow a trail of flour dots left by the hare the day before, to "checks" where possible false trails and dead ends are waiting for you. The non-competitive atmosphere lends itself to calling those winning F.R.B.'s (front running bastards), beer checks and a log that must be worn by the winner the following week to discourage maximum effort.
The weekly hash is followed with an On-After that is filled with singing and festivities from those whose names are BBC, Salty, Glassterbator, Echo, Sux2Blow, and many more.
Thanks to BBC for inviting me to the NVHHH run #990. I encourage you all to search google for your local hash and give it a try. You got nothing to lose, and as they say "If you get it shape, it's your own damn fault!"
[Nittany Valley Hashing House Harriers - Website]
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