Mocanaqua - Main Wall
Last friday I got out to Mocanaqua's Main Wall to do some climbing with my boss and the staff from psu
adventure recreation staff. We scouted 2 climbs that we thought students would be able to do well,
and put up a 3rd route over another unnamed part.
The rock was nice and dry with the sun hitting the wall during the entire day with the leaves still off the tree. The setup above Pizza Crack needed 2 placed anchors with the tree slung. The tree had some scary looking gear wrapped around it, that looked like it was put there in the early 70's.
It's days like this that make realize that having an office job just isn't for me. Getting paid to scout climbing locations with good people on a beautiful day. The temperture hoovering in the low 60's and a slight breeze gave the perfect setting for an
afternoon nap on picnic table rock at the end of the day.
The next day would be a long one...Another early morning, this time to take students to Reading Rocks climbing gym. It's tough work, but someone has to do it.
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