Sunday, April 30, 2006

40+ Miles

Did the Allegheny Front Trail in full this week, got started walking at around 7 pm Friday and out by noon Sun day.  We put in a hardy 26 miles Saturday so we could get out at a decent houDscn1254r Sunday to do our post trip Otto's visit.  Nothing like seeing the Red Mo hiking and having a cold Red Mo beer on Sunday.  Otto's brewery is one of the great post hike visits of Central Pa.  You can see in the photos our first morning waking to a great but chilly sunrise.  That's Paul in the photo cowering in his bag.  Off to the AT Thursday, can't wait!


Friday, April 28, 2006

Allegheny Front Trail

Headed out to the Allegheny Front Trail in Black Moshannon State Park to do some final adjusting toAftmaplg my
pack and gear list that I'm using for the AT hike next week.  47 miles round trip.  Try and get this done by Sunday afternoon.  Leaving today by 5 hopefully and hitting the trail by 6 or 7 to get in some milelage.  You can check out the trail info here at Allegheny Front Trail Homepage.


Thursday, April 27, 2006

Happened upon a great site today whTrailcastile searching some of the podcasts available out there.  There isn't much content when looking for backpacking podcasts, but one stands out above the rest, and that is a podcast available mostly on topics associated with long distance hiking and the gear, personalities, and companies that make up the industry.  I highly recommned that you check it out.  Here's a picture of Robert Butler the host and Miss Janet one of the famous hostel owners along the Appalachian Trail.


Wednesday, April 26, 2006


Tonight I will say my goodbyes to my favorite pub in all the land for a while. Zeno's Pub located just above the center of the Earth has been my watering hole since I turned 21 a year ago. If you enjoy good beer (over 50 on tap) good music (bluegrass, blues, funk) you will love Zeno's. The great staff and friendly atmosphere will leave you wondering why you ever went to the Gman in the first place! My passport is only half full, and I wil have to return this summer to add the rest. If you don't know already, Zeno's places your name on the wall if you can finish 80+ different beers that they serve, known as Around the world in 80 beers. If you are ever in town, especially on a wednesday, i recommend finding your way to the cornder of Allen and College below the Corner Room for some beer and bluegras!


Monday, April 24, 2006

Last week!

Well it's here. My last week of school as an undergraduate at Penn State. It has been a great four years and although I am not graduating until next Fall I will be completing my last 12 credits doing an internship in Colorado. I am moving out to Granby, CO to work at YMCA rockie mountains / Snow Moutain Ranch near Winter Park ski resort. I will be doing outdoor education and environmental interpretation. Just more realization that I will be heading into the job market is the constant news of one more friend or neighbor being placed in a salaried job. Unfortunately for me or as I see it them, I will be staying away from that sort of thing to keep my options free to continue working on adventures, including my upcoming AT hike starting next week. On a final note, I received my second big ten ring today, diamond and all for having won 2 in 4 years. Thanks penn state...I may be back from grad school sooner rather than later.


Sunday, April 23, 2006

Outdoor School

A week of Outdoor School at Camp Blue Diamond does a body/mind good. Working with 5th graders for a week of environmental education reminds me why I majored in RPM in the first place. This week will include my final week of classes as an undergrad filled with finals and papers. Following this week is going to be a quick 40 miler through my favorite PA trail, The Allegheny Front with Palimino. Dscn1175


Sunday, April 16, 2006

Timex Trail Runner

Learning out to use the Trail Max Runner Watch has been easy so far. I hope to do a more detailed review this week, while I'm at outdoor school, and a review on the practicality of using it while on the trail this summer on the AT. Here are some pictures of the watch and what you get with it. Something I look forward to using is the 3rd party software that allows you to map where you walk, ran, or hiked by using the waypoints downloaded to your watch.

Read more about this software at or


Saturday, April 15, 2006

AT Planning

Receipt Today I spent almost 500 dollars on food from Sam's Club and Wegmans.  If you have never been to Sam's and have planned a thru-hike without it, I feel very sorry for you.  It is a candy store of bulk food, hand sanitizers, power bars (and yes Zone Perfect Bars!) all at your fingers.  No internet shipping charges for once!  I'll scan in some receipts for my archive later.

Received an early bday present from the parents today.  I will be doing a review over the next few months on the Timex Trail Runner that uses the "body link system".
