Monday, April 24, 2006

Last week!

Well it's here. My last week of school as an undergraduate at Penn State. It has been a great four years and although I am not graduating until next Fall I will be completing my last 12 credits doing an internship in Colorado. I am moving out to Granby, CO to work at YMCA rockie mountains / Snow Moutain Ranch near Winter Park ski resort. I will be doing outdoor education and environmental interpretation. Just more realization that I will be heading into the job market is the constant news of one more friend or neighbor being placed in a salaried job. Unfortunately for me or as I see it them, I will be staying away from that sort of thing to keep my options free to continue working on adventures, including my upcoming AT hike starting next week. On a final note, I received my second big ten ring today, diamond and all for having won 2 in 4 years. Thanks penn state...I may be back from grad school sooner rather than later.



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