Friday, October 16, 2009

October Snow and Updates

Mid October and it's snowing in Pennsylvania. I spent the morning recreating most of the virtual tours for my Tour Portfolio, after a glitch with the Trial Software. This panorama was created on Winter Park's North Cone last ski season. You can view the VIRTUAL TOUR HERE.

If interested in having your business, property, house, ect done as a virtual tour, contact me to discuss the benefits and the customization that can be done for your project.


Thursday, October 15, 2009

Happily Ever After


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

My gift today is, a Bailey Wedding Gallery. Enjoy!


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Bailey Wedding #4

More than a few people have asked me when the photos would be ready. So by popular demand, I'll continue to put a few up on a regular basis. These aren't sized to print, I will be posting a complete gallery for all that good stuff later. The kegs are no longer, thus the photo. All the remains is an enormous stage, constructed by the groom himself (the big softy in photo #3).

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Monday, October 12, 2009

Bailey Wedding #3

OK, Mrs Emily Bailey, these photos should last you another day... Now get back to the honeymoon! I especially love the 2nd photo.

Conrad Weiser Football

Sunday's football game photos are up and are available. Click Here to see the Gallery.

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Bailey Wedding #2

I know how much you love photos Emily, so I will make sure I post atleast one or two photos a day on here for you to check. By the way, there are now 6 cases of wine in our back patio!

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Sunday, October 11, 2009

Bailey Wedding

Sunday Preview : Just got the photos up this morning, and will begin sorting through everything. I will be posting a few previews as the week goes on. Enjoy, and Congratulations again to Mike and Emily Bailey.