Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Shadow Mountain


Photo from trip below Shadow Mountain Lake.   After spending a few hours searching for the Kokoni that were supposed to be running, I switched to egg patterns, hares ear, and bwo.  Pulled a few out from the pool directly behind me in this photo next to the fallen tree. 

Monday, September 29, 2008



Mr. Harbor, is a part time residence and self proclaimed Captain Freedom of Fraser, Colorado.  When not occupying his cabin, he can be found traveling the USA making everyone he meets a little happier.  I only had a short time to do this a few shots, but will be returning to do a  night panorama shoot, which will include a flaming gyro.  Yes, he has a full amusement park gyro, given to him by Winter Park Ski Resort's lawyers after saving a girl from injury on the contraption.


Music : Bob Marley - Mr. Brown

Here's a related post on a photo taken that same day.  Freedom Breakfast

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Mountain Tour Part 2


I am using some new formatting for my virtual tours here on Uncommon Commons.  I can now easily combine multiple virtual tours into one easy to scroll through gallery.  Here is my first gallery, which contains all the virtual tours I created from the past few hikes I made with Julie in Arapaho National Forest.  Click the arrows at the bottom of the gallery to choose different tours.

Click Here ---> Arapaho National Forest - Tour Gallery

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Sunday, September 28, 2008

Mountain Stream


Mountain Stream Virtual Tour.  CLICK HERE.  Notice that I am working on adding in a Nadir shot so that I will no longer need to use a logo cap or cloning.  I'll add more photos later, Julie took a bunch with her new camera.


Saturday, September 27, 2008

High Altitude Outhouse


There may be nothing more refreshing than a bathroom at over 11,000 ft.  Hope you enjoy this alternative panorama and virtual tour, where ever you may be reading this from.  Some of whom are probably on their porcelain using their iphones on this Saturday morning.

Check out the tour ---> High Altitude Pooper

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Friday, September 26, 2008

Mountain Hut Hike




Spent this morning hiking up to one of Grand County's Mountain Huts.  Off of 40 on Berthoud Pass, it's a short 15 minute hike and you're above tree line.  Another few minutes and you come along a hut built in 2002.  From the pictures and virtual tours you'll see that this hut is in much need of a volunteer effort.  The third panorama is from the rocks where I ate lunch and watched a bull moose watch over his baby and female moose playing in the creek.

Here are the virtual tours.  Clicking on them will take you to the page.  I recommend right clicking and saving them to your desktop, where they will play full screen on your Mac or PC.  Click Here for tours --->  Mountain Hut , Inside Hut, Lunch Rock

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Thursday, September 25, 2008

Aspen Grove



Check out the virtual tours here Aspen Grove Tour and Aspen Grove Tours 2. You can also right click and download the link to play it FULLSCREEN at best quality on your computer.

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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Bear Panorama


I always ride my bike passed this black bear's climbing wall, wishing they had a larger adult version to play on.  Took this panorama as an evening storm was approaching.

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Saturday, September 20, 2008

Red One


Enjoying this new idea I had today about crayola crayons.  I realize that digital SLR technology has given me the opportunity to explore photography at an affordable price. But at the same time still annoyed every time I go to RMNP and see 5,000 wanna be Ansel Adams shooting from there tin cans.  In hopes of avoiding my numbness into mediocrity I've begun this new project with some gusto, knowing Kodak won't be coming out with tutorials on the technique next week.

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Dandelion 1 & 2



Shot these at the entrance to the Rocky Mountain National Park today.  Working on a new series, using crayola crayons as inspiration.

Stedman Wedding







Friday, September 19, 2008

Afternoon Showers



Soon theses afternoon rain showers will be turning to afternoon snow.  Photos were taken looking north behind Fraser, Colorado.

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Thursday, September 18, 2008

Our Porch


No one can deny the importance of a good porch, especially in Colorado.  Fly rod storage behind our two wooden folding chairs.


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Storm Clearing


Last Friday brought an all day mess of snow and rain.  I took this photo as the clouds were beginning to clear and gave us a view of what was left on top of the divide.  D300 , 1/160 shutter, f/11, iso 200


Monday, September 15, 2008

To Julie


Nikon D300 , 18 mm,  shutter 15 seconds, f/5, iso 200.  I used a head light with a filter to achieve my desired look.  I am interested in seeing the possibilities of long exposures and light painting with my photography  here in  the mountains of Winter Park, CO.


Sunday, September 14, 2008

Freedom Breakfast


Taken at the "Freedom Cabin", this is a panorama of his kitchen.  The same person is in the photo three times.  D300, Nikon 10.5 fisheye lens, 360 precision head, 6 shots at 1 second , f/ 16, stitched together with PtGui Pro.


Saturday, September 13, 2008

Blurred Water



Gnarled Tree



Friday, September 12, 2008

Rolling Rock Art


Back at it...


Just updated some billing information, giving me access back to uncommon commons.  Spent the day on the river yesterday, catching two dozens strong rainbows.

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