Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Sunsets Continue...

Here is another unbelievable shot of a sunset here in Colorado.  This photo was not altered in any way this is really how bright the sunset was.  I no longer have internet, except for at work so I won't be able to update as often.  If you need to contact me email me or call 970-887-2152.  ext 4182

Friday, October 27, 2006

Ansel Jr.

Here are two photos taken by Ansel Jr. my roommate today at sunset.  Someday these photos could be featured in the the famous Fraser Library.  He hopes you enjoy them as much as he enjoyed taking them, and would thank Fuzzy Beak for his inspiration.



Thursday, October 26, 2006

Snow. Porcupine.

Last night it dumped over a foot of snow here at the ranch, and upwards of 30 inches on the mountain tops.  That was highlighted by our new friend at the commons, a porcupine.  He's been living in a lodge pole pine for the past two days and admired by all. 
    This week I'm also moving again into Little Bear Cabin, back to having my own room...again. 



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Saturday, October 14, 2006

Andrew's send off...

Saying goodbye to Andrew our boss may have been hard for some of us, but going go Buckets made it all the easier.  Thanks again Andrew, goodluck with Michigan and the new wife.

me, bob, chris, and andrew

Gwen Drunk.  Notice the foosball table in the background.

Oh and we saw a fox.  Just your average day here in CO.


Sunday, October 8, 2006

Lake Granby

This afternoon Bob and I went fishing at Lake Granby to get on the end of some lake trout.  Our dreams of 30 lb lake trout did not happen today, but we did manage to hook onto 2 decent sized lake trout in the 2-3 lb range that gave us plenty of fight to make the drive up worth it.  Before connecting though we were frustrated as a family across the lake kept catching small trout with worms.  The scenery out on the lake was beautiful and fishable shoreline was everywhere.  These pictures were taken by Gwen while we fished out of Arapaho Bay. 


Granby Lake - First Spot


Beautiful Sunset - Second Spot


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Friday, October 6, 2006

End of a Season

After working here at snow mountain ranch in outdoor education and high challenge programing, the season is finally coming to an end.  We just had our final week of outdoor school and worked today taking down part of the high challenge course.  Soon snow will be covering the ground making trail travel only possilbe with snow shows and snow drifts will be blocking the challenge course from any attempt of belaying.  As a send off for our boss who is leaving we took the time to set up the power pole and do some trapeeze attempts ourselves.  Here are some pictures of our last day on the high challenge course.
The first pic is me getting some air, the second is our great staff belay team being very serious, and the third is of S.G. wrapping things up for the season.




Sunday, October 1, 2006

Rocky Mountain National Park

Took at drive over to the Rocky Mountain National Park today.  When I left and entered the park it was warm and sunny.  At the top it was a balmy 44 degrees, but with the wind and cloud cover it seemed as cold as the pictures look here.  Thos big wooden poles are so they know where to plow come the reopening in the spring time.


