Friday, July 28, 2006

Nikon D50

I bought the Nikon D50 digital slr this past week, and after getting DSL (high speed internet) at my parents house I can upload a few photos to my website.  Initial impressions of the Nikon D50 are great withHomenight quality photos and flexibility all achieved with relative ease.  The first photo was taken of my house in Hunlock Creek at around 8:50 pm just a half hour after the sun had gone down.  The second is an attempt at trying out the macro setting on the D50.  Both these photos were taken on the first day of having the camera and had not yet learned to adjust many of the needed functions.  Regaurdless these photos show alot of promise and I can't wait to be uploading photos of the Rocky Mountains.

I am learning the best setup and many functions through a very useful website,, check it out if you have any interest in getting a digital slr.  And be sure to check out in the upcoming weeks, they are announcing their new Nikon D80 which will be a major step forward in professional quality at an affordable price.
Finally I'd like to say hello to my mom.  Hi Mom, come home soon!  Happy Anniversary to you and Dad!


Friday, July 21, 2006

Final Days

Only 11 more days here in Pennsylvania before I move out to Granby, CO, where I'll be until the middle of December.  Summer so far has been bitter sweet so far with my Mom in her current situation, but has made me appreciate my family and friends that much more.  I just finished reading Ultramarathon Man - Confessions of an all night runner, which I picked up since I started running again this week.  If you have ever been away from a sport or physical exercise and felt like something was missing, and then returned only to find the answer in a big way, you will enjoy this book.  If not, it is simply a read to see just how far one person can push themselves to achieve a certain goal. 

I'm going to miss alot of things about PA, especially family and friends who have given me a home in both Hunlock Creek and State College.  For anyone who reads this which is probably very few...Thank you.  You're welcome to come visit me in Colorado anytime. 

Finally I look to be updating this website every few days once I start my cross country drive out to CO starting August 3rd.  I'll be heading St. Louis first to visit the bro, then heading west.  I should have some nice pictures to show, as I'm probably getting a new SLR digital camera (my current one just broke today).  Happy Summer days to everyone.
