Monday, May 29, 2006

I'm Back!

Yes it's me the hippy back in town at almost 450 miles into my trip.  I am chillin here at the Baja Cafe enjoying massive burittos, chips, and Yuengling beer.  It is 92 degrees outside and Rainmaker and company just did 18 to get into town by 130.  We are chillin the rest of the day probably at DOTS the local pub in town to recover from these past 400 some miles.  We are averaging over 20 miles per day with my last "0" day many miles ago...tommorrow may be a "0", we will see.  To all those few people who take the time to read this blog, I hope you enjoy and I would like to add a new segment to this website.  If you have any comments or questions about me or my trip or any of my new friends ....Rain Maker, Ti-85, GasTank, or Beckah, please feel free to ask.  I am going to try and post some photos in the next day or so, but that may not happen, but I am trying.  Thank you to DPG for post updates so you all could follow me on my little trip.  My new trail name that has stuck with me is H.U.I.  or hiking under the influence if you need to contact me in cast of emergency.

Peace to you all, and all my friends working or heading into the work force, I'm very very sorry.

Love Dave

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Erwin, Tennessee

D-Walt walked 143 miles in 6 days since departing from Gatlinburg. He is now in Erwin/Irwin, TN. 143 miles in 6 days is very impressive considering that his goal was to walk 20 miles a day. So he is making great time and is in good health. I dont have any good stories about the last 6 days to post cause I didnt get the chance to talk to him very long but he sounded like he was in good health and spirits and was eating at a chinese restaurant when I spoke to him yesterday.



Thursday, May 18, 2006


DPG once again posting on behalf of our (somewhat) beloved friend... only kidding dmoney. I talked to him on the phone for about 15 minutes when he was in Gatlinburg (spelling?) Tennessee. Apparently Gatlinburg is one of the biggest tourist attractions in the country and it sounds like a Jersey Shore beach town, except bigger and in the Smokey Mountains and not the east coast. He set up shop in a the Royal Budget Inn for $30 a night for two days to let his knees rest from the rigors of the trail. He has been making great time averaging arond 23 miles a day. HE also has been signing off on the trail books as Dave from PA, so if you ever hike the AT, look for that. Welp thats all, I just got in from a stellar mid-week trip to Reading to visit the Legend, but since this isnt my blog and likely you dont care much to hear about my summer I will leave it at that. Good night.



Friday, May 12, 2006

Reattempting to Post

DPG here again posting on behalf of the Cheese Monster. I spoke to him the other day on the phone while he was stationed at a motel in Franklinville, North Carolina. So that means he made 108 miles in about a week, which is very good time. He seemed to be in good spirits, but he obvi misses me a lot. He claims to have made a friend named Peacock..... you know how these nature types are...... He is back on the trail by now and hopefully is still alive. But next time I talk to him i will make sure to have better details.


Monday, May 8, 2006

Day Four on the Trail

Its Walter's fourth day on the trail. He is getting near his first check-point and is likely out of Georgia by now too. He is most likely walking at this time.


Sunday, May 7, 2006

The Hippy Has Begun

This is David Gray, updating on behalf of David Walters. Jeff Chambers and I dropped the cheese monster off at the start of the Appalachian Trail in Northwest Georiga at Springer Mountain. We got to Alcolola State Park at about 4 AM after driving 13 hours through the backwoods of West Viriginia and Tennessee. We slept from 4 AM to about 6 AM in the Sonata, then drove to about a mile near the start of the trail. JC and I are both a little concerned for Walters well-being as we all walked a mile in the wrong direction of the trail, until we realized we were not going the right direction. Eventually, we figured it out, turned around - and headed back to the start. It is a beautiful view at the top of Springer Mountain, and there are two plaques that signal the beginning of the trail. We took pictures on Walters camera so I am sure he will post them later when he gets the opportunity. We hiked with him for about a mile before saying our good-byes. I am sure he is doing well and will post again after I talk to him when he gets to his first checkpoint. I would just like to add that Tennesse sells awesome fireworks that we cant get up north here, and JC and me loaded up - so hopefully I will have hands next time I update.


Wednesday, May 3, 2006

And so it begins...

Tomorrow at approximately 2 p.m. I will be southbound to Springer Mountain, in Georgia.  From there it's 1000 miles to Harpers Ferry, WV and another 108 to State College on the Midstate Trail.  I will tryDscn1279
and keep everyone updated to where I am and my progress through phone calls, and may even have a chance to post some new stuff in towns while I'm on resupply.  My return will be approximately late June or early July, in any case it will be in time for the legendary Artsfest Shananagans.  I hope you see you all at the Old Oak Taven in Pinegrovemills for my final day of hiking on College Ave into State College.  A short bar tour will be held and possibly an immediate dip at the Nat.  Hope everyone has aDscn1267
good first few months of summer. 

Myt Appalachian
Trail /Re-supply
Stops and Information

Stop # Mileage Location


1. 103
miles Winding Stair
Gap - Franklin, NC

2. 200
miles Newfound Gap -
Gatlinburg, TN

3. 332
miles Chestoa Bridge
- Erwin, TN

4. 403
miles Dennis Cove

5.  500 miles Dickey Gap - Troutdale, VA

6. 614
miles Pearisburg, VA

7. 732
miles Bearwallow Gap,
Buchanan, VA

8. 842
miles Rockfish Gap -
Waynesboro, VA

9. 960
miles VA 638 -
Linden, VA

10. 1000
miles Harpers Ferry!

Three Eagles

78 Siler Rd.

Franklin, NC 28734

Office: (828)

Happy Hiker

905 River Rd., Suite

Gatlinburg, TN 37738

Miss Janet’s House

220 North Elm Ave.

Erwin, TN 37650

(423) 743-1932


Kincora Hiking Hostel
(423) 725- 4409 – Bob and Pat Owners

1278 Dennis Cove Rd.

Hampton, TN 37658

P.O. Zip 24378: M-F
8-12 & 1-5, Sa 8-11; (276) 677-3221

Rendezvous Motel (on
the AT) (540) 921-2636

Holds packages

795 North Main Street

Pearisburg, VA 24134


P.O. Zip 24066: M-F
830-5, Sa 9-11; (540) 254-2178


Waynesboro Office of

(540) 942-6644

301 W. Main St.

Waynesboro, VA 22980


Linden, VA

P.O. Zip 22642: M-F
8-12 & 1-5, Sa 8-12; (540) 636-9936


Appalachian Trail Conference (ACT) Offices

P.O. Box 807 or 799
Washington Street

Harpers Ferry, WV


Stopping at Harpers Ferry and meeting up with Paul Brigman
to hike the Mid State trail from Maryland to State College. 108 miles total trip to SC.

